I have a few questions and/or requests I’d like to convey to you:
On my Brea’s Art in Public Places map I would like to have a label superimposed over each of the 15 sections of my map that would read, for example, “Tour 1” “Tour 2” and so on. If it could be in a color that stands out, that would be even better yet.
In lieu of the icons that are presently available, could I instead have numbers 1 - 16? I would want those numbers to appear permanently on each balloon upon opening the map. I don’t want to have to keep hitting the plus sign to increase the size of the map in order to have the icon change from a colored dot into a balloon.
Each Tour # with it’s corresponding color on the map would be even more helpful if the listing to the right could correspondingly be that same color all the way from left to right.
Will we ever have an option to use different fonts with different sizes?
I have 15 tour areas, but there are only 14 colors. Will more colors be forthcoming?
Lastly, will there ever be an undo button? It seems that quite often when I attempt to create a map area I make an error and have to completely start over.
Thanks so much for your help, Zsolt. I’ve accomplished everything but the PNG files. I don’t know how to do that. What I want to have is #'s 1 - 14 to use to enumerate the balloons on each tour. I’ll keep looking for ways to figure out how.
PNG’s are photo images that you can use without the a background. So the number you add to your marker wont have a background attached, it will just be a number. Try using gimp or photoshop.
This is a .png file, there is only the circle existing.
Try if your drawing program recognize the transparent area (outside the circle).
If not, get a program like “gimp” that can process this kind of file.
When you have it going, you can change the color inside the circle and put a number in it. Just make sure you save/export it as .png file.
Hope that works like I think
Greetings, Michel
If the text-labels (T) would have their own “Simplify Map” level, including a zoom in and out point,
you can create a nice transition from text-label (T) to item icons.
Hiding the text-label when the item-icons come up, would work nice on Terrys map.
Actually, the additional ‘zoom out point’ is not necessary, just an own ‘simplify map’ level would be very nice.
Thanks so much for your suggestion about the text labels. I’ve gotten to the point in this project where all I need is the ability to display the name of each of the 15 tours (which can be seen if you click once on the plus sign in the upper right hand corner of the screen. But I’d like to have them be visible at the present default level. I’d also like to have each tour appear above the other tours on the map, so that the user can be focused on one tour at a time. The idea is to make it possible to be in their car looking via their smartphone at each piece within each tour, starting at art piece #1 and going through all the piece numbers until they’ve completed that particular tour. If they’d like to take another then they would be able to click on that tour, have it once again appear above the remainder tour, they can repeat the process until they’ve seen the pieces on all 15 tours.
Thank you once again for any help you can provide me. I’m just not sure how to go about using the Simplify Map to change the size of each label.
Hi, I’d also be very interested in a fully customizable color palette , which would allow one to color polygone, lines, etc. I’m trying to build a heatmap so having the right color tones is really important. Any plans for when you will release this? Thanks!
The higher the number of the “simplify map” zoom level is, the closer you have to zoom in that the icons appear.
The number depends on the size of your map, in your case you need to lower the number so that your icons and text labels are immediately visible when opening your map.
The simplify map level outcome depends on the device you use.
(at the moment on my PC your icons are immediately available, on mobile not)
Tour layout, groups, highlighting, clustering?:
I’d also like to have each tour appear above the other tours on the map, so that the user can be focused on one tour at a time. The idea is to make it possible to be in their car looking via their smartphone at each piece within each tour, starting at art piece #1 and going through all the piece numbers until they’ve completed that particular tour. If they’d like to take another then they would be able to click on that tour, have it once again appear above the remainder tour, they can repeat the process until they’ve seen the pieces on all 15 tours.
I’m not absolutely sure I know what you mean, but maybe you meant a kind of item clustering.
Or, if you activate a tour/group all other items go in “simplify map” mode?
Here is a thread that’s maybe interesting for you:
Greetings Michel
And just a recommendation. Try out to create groups for your tours, for the text labels and for the polygons. Your side panel could look more organized