Permalink to locations on map?

Newbie here.

I’d like to link to one location on my map.
I fail to find a permalink feature.

Am I missing something obvious?
Any hints highly appreciated!



Hi Rolf and Welcome to the Forum,

Currently there is no permalink feature. What exactly would you like to permalink to? An item with an open popup?


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Dear Zsolt, thank you for the swift reply!

Any item that is in the lower right list of things.

The use-case is that we are using Confluence pages for project management of converting barren meadows into pollinator friendly flower meadows. We would like to link from the pages to the location on the map.

The map is also meant to be public so that everyone can see the status of the different locations.

As you can see, the different locations are already spread out into different neighbourhoods.
Direct links would help us a lot.
The navigation to the correct spot on the map when clicking on an item in the lower right list suggests that this could probably be implemented.

Best regards!


Thanks for explaining this. This will definitely be implemented, I just need to understand a bit more about it. Are you using the “Embed on Website” option, or you are linking to the map on MapHub?

A simple permalink to the item (polygon for example) would totally suffice.
When klicking on an item in the lower right list, the map is already zooming quite nicely to the location of this item. So whatever JavaScript magic is happening when klicking on an item, this would deserve a direct URL link.

Embedding maps zoomed to the location of an item would be a very nice feature on top.
But not really required. Nice eye candy tho.

best regards!


Thanks, I’ll try to add this feature soon.

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Any update on this feature request?


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Yes, I too would like to know if this feature will be implemented?

Hi, I notice that the maps now have a feature called “Link to selected item” on the map options section. I presume that this is an implementation of the feature requested in this forum topic?

If so, thank you for being so quick at supporting this feature!

What does the “margin” setting do?


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Ok, I’ve worked out what the “margin” feature does!

I can see how the “Generate link” button works, but, is there a way to embed the selected item map including being able to embed multiple different embedded item maps?

For example, one blog post that features a write up on a certain map item/location can embed that “Link to selected item”, but another blog post that features a write up to a different map/item location (on the same map) can embed that particular “Link to selected item” on the relevant item/location’s blog post?

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Yes, it’s been implemented and the blog post is coming soon.

For Embed it hasn’t been implemented yet, first step is link to the full map.

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Thank you for your sterling support!

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