Location Addresses

Is there anyway to export the specific addresses on a map once finished? Each “pin” was renamed something other than the address, so is there anyway to obtain the specific address list of all of my “pins”?


Hi Stephen and welcome to the forum. Can you explain a bit more about what you mean by “address” and “finished”? What are you trying to achieve? Are you importing data from a specific data source?

Hi Zsolt,

Thanks. I originally entered ~350 address in the search bar individually. Once I found the address on the map, I removed the text for the address (i.e. 123 Main St New York, NY) and instead typed in the name of the business. My question is, am I able to obtain a list of all the physical addresses that I entered into my map? If so, how to I go about doing this?


I understand now. Unfortunately, if you have removed those texts, there is no way to recover them.

I see. Is there anyway to export the list of the the names of places on my map?

Sure, you can export them in many different file formats. Probably you want Excel CSV and import them into Excel.

  1. Click Share
  2. Click Excel CSV