Is it possible to use maphub api to upload lines from specific document and visualize in maphub?

I am trying to use maphub Api to visualize data as markers and lines. By following the guide from adding markers and image, markers are successfully uploaded. However, I cannot find a way to visualize lines in maphub. By providing Json file with a set of coordinates, is it possible to visualize a line in maphub just like the picture below by using python from the below link? The line below is draw from me, but the final goad is to upload a line following the coordinates provided from the json file.

The link below is the coordinates of the line from a bus route that retrieved from government, which I want to use as reference.,22.1,114.7,23.0&limit=10&offset=0&ROUTE_NAMEE=219X

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Hi and Welcome to the forum!

Yes, of course you can visualize any kind of data via the API. The best way to understand what format is needed, do the following:

  1. Make a new map, draw a very simple version of what you’d like to understand, for example a single line. Change the text, description, color for example.

  2. Save and click Download and select MapHub GeoJSON.

  3. Look at the downloaded file with a text editor which can display the JSON in a clean way. For example, paste it to

As an example, I created the following map:

It looks like this:

And this is the GeoJSON for it:

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
      "type": "Feature",
      "id": 3276068295,
        "type": "LineString",
        "stroke": "#cc1b15",
        "description": "Description of the sample line.",
        "title": "Sample line"
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