first of all, this is my first message here, and I want to say that maphub is just great and a pure treasure.
though I miss the cyrillic font in the popup windows pretty much. The font “latoregular” used there, doesn’t have cyrillic symbols and it mixes up with helvetica, which has. That looks not good, when digits, latin and cyrillic letters doesn’t match.
is there any way or plans to change the default font in the popup window?
Hi Igor and thanks for reporting. Ideally the missing characters from Lato should be using the native system font, but maybe this is not working as intended. Can you make a sample map demonstrating the issue. A single item is enough on that map, I just need to see the exact problem.
OK, this wasn’t an easy fix, but I really wanted to support all international languages, so I implemented this.
Now, if you save a map with any Cyrillic character in any of the features or the in map’s description, it’ll detect it and use the system font instead of Lato.
Hi, Zsolt Ero you can also use system fonts as somebody them above and if you want to use some custom fonts like (Scary Text) you can also add them by just copy and paste.