Disable scroll zoom option

Hi guys,

new user here.

I’m trying disable scroll zoom-in option on my maps. This is a huge issue for me because I display my maps in full-width and full-height so it’s covering 100% of the screen, and when user scrolls to the map section he can’t scroll any further down the page because scrolling just zoom-in the map.

Would be great to have native option to disable scroll/zoom feature but I could use any “hacky” way to achieve it.



I have the same question, but for a different purpose - I’d like to disable scrolling/zooming into the map to protect my research participants identities. Is there any way to do this?

Many thanks.
K. Noronha

Hi Noronha,

While we could try to disable some zooming it’d never protect the identities of your research participants. Please randomise their locations a bit (move them randomly in a 1 km radius circle for example) before publishing a map.

Kind regards,