Developer API

We are in the process of making an API for developers.
Tell us about your use cases so we know what kind of features would you like to see.

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I’m trying to build a running application for real long distance runners. I’m currently trying to create a POC of drawing routes on a map, calculating distances, and saving the data (like the ones in Strava and Runkeeper). Ideally when a user creates a new route, he can start drawing immediately without the need for clicking a polyline button. Also no special actions should be required in order to end the route (no need for the dashed drawing line). That’s basically the use-case I’m looking for.

Hi, sorry for replying just now! So are you basically looking for customising the MapHub editor? Or you would like to upload routes you have created somewhere else to MapHub?

I would like to integrate the MapHub editor into a web application and tweak it as mentioned earlier.

OK I understand. You would like to tweak the front-end, Javascript part.

Unfortunately, we cannot provide an API for the front-end. What I would recommend you is to have a look at the Leaflet library, which is what the MapHub Editor is built on:

Hey guys,

First of all, congrats on a really simple to use and pretty maps.

My use case is pretty basic, I just want an political map of Europe with 50 pins, which is super simple to do, even for me. However, when I inserted the i-frame it displayed fine for me, but prompted other users to signup, (and then told them they didn’t have access to the map because I made it private, you can give a warning for that too maybe), which puts a barrier of 5-10 clicks.

I guess that is what the API’s for, I just thought I’d give some feedback.

Best, Petar

Hi Petar,

You just need to change the map’s visibility option to public when you want to allow embedding a map. It’s very simple: change Info / Visibility: Public.

I’d like to embed the map in a website where users can drop a pin and tell a story that happened in any public space on the map (using the description box). Users can see/read all other stories, but not edit any other item but their own. Also, would be a bonus if I can review users’ additions and approve them before they appear. Is any of this possible? Are users able to edit (create an item) after it’s embedded into a website? Thanks!

@alicenwood embedding is usually restricted to a very small space, and editing requires a lot of space. This means editing will only be possible in the full map view, not on embed.

Hi, MapHub API has just received a major update, as well as a detailed tutorial about how to use it:

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