Default OpenStreetMaps basemap shows more info


Love your product, especially search works much better than umap for example.

However I noticed the default style does not contain some labels that the default OpenStreetMaps layout uses. While I realize it might not be for everyone, in my case it misses a lot of information. The Thunderforest layouts are a bit better in that regard but still are a compromise compared to OSM.


Another thing I noticed is that there is a limitation on the lowest zoom level (i can zoom further in OSM).



For compairison: Maphub classic

And thunderforest outdoors

Hi, yes, the default MapHub style is quite clean. I have to look into if adding the OSM tiles is OK with them, as the traffic would be quite low I guess.

I noticed that the OSM tiles are really outdated. Can you update them with the more recent versions? (I love that you provide that as a base map, so thanks!)

I’ll have to implement support for new Mapbox tiles, then I’ll be able to update the tiles to up-to-date ones. Fortunately you can always choose one of the other basemaps which offer up-to-date tiles, like Thunderforest.