Adobe Spark story embed

Hi, I’ve tried the YouTube embed, and I like it. Good show!

Now I’d like to know if I can embed Adobe Spark stories. I tried putting the story link into the same code you gave for YouTube, i.e. {iframe src=“”} and it does work, but it begins to load the story in the pop-up window instead of just giving the story preview screen. I would like to have the story preview screen which the user can click and that would open into a new tab in their browser.
Adobe also provives an embed code that one can use to put the story frame on a website, and it works just great on my website, but I’d like to do the same thing now in the map popups. What would be the HTML code I use around the embed code or what modification must I make to the embed code? Thanks.

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Hi, I tried to read about it but I don’t know what kind of embed code does Adobe Spark use. All I found was this article:

What is the embed code which works on your website?

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Adobe Spark gives various publish options, among which are a Facebook, Twitter, shareable link and an embed code. Here is an example of one of my stories: “Beaurevoir”

The share link is:

And the embed code is:


(In fact, I noticed that these codes have created previews in this forum page!)

When I paste the embed code into my webpage it appears as a little animated, clickable preview icon which will open a new tab when clicked, as you can see by visiting the page:

This is what I’d like to have show up in the pop-up window. I tried using the “iframe src” coding used for the YouTube links, and succeeded in having the story play directly in the pop-up window, but I’d prefer the clickable icon instead.

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From your homepage I can see that one of the embed iframes have the following src:

As I see the only difference is the /embed.html at the end. Can you try adding it to your MapHub code?

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I tried using the src in the iframe phrase, as you suggested, and it works!!! Thanks so much - genius :smile: Now I can make the pop-ups really rich.

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It’s great to hear that it works! Once you are happy with the map, can you share it with us, or just privately with me, I’m really curious about what you created!

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In my “visibility” tab the map is already shared publicly - I thought all could see it - especially the all-seeing :eye: Hyperknot! The address is: In the footsteps of St Joan of Arc / Les Parcours de Sainte Jeanne d'Arc by FX · MapHub

My map description gives the idea of what I’m trying to create:

An adventure in search of every trace & vestige of Saint Joan of Arc in France.
The certainty—ranging from fact to legend—of her having been in the indicated places is gradated by color, with green as certain (documented), yellow as probable (historians concur), and red as possible (some claim). Blue indicates a point of Johannic interest.

St Joan of Arc covered an incredible amount of terrain during her short life, and given that there are over 50,000 statues of her in France alone, you can imagine the audacious scope of this mission! I have made nine trips to France since 2014, trying to capture these places, do research and deepen my knowledge of the national heroine, so I don’t know if I’ll ever be “happy” with the map (can it ever be complete?!). I update it as often as I have time, and it’s still kinda rough, so please excuse the rudimentary nature of it. Some “items” are rather spartan, and others quite rich (like Beaurevoir & Cléry-Saint-André).

If you take a look at the map you’ll see just have valuable your MAPHUB tool has been and is to me, and how perfectly suited it is to my mission, and I can only hope that it will continue to make strides of progress and be the best mapping resource on the web! Proud to have been part of the beta phase! :trophy:

By the way, I’d love it if something like this emoji → :crossed_swords:<- could be incorporated among the icons so I can designate battle sites!

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Custom icons are now possible on MapHub. You can read about it detail in the following post:

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Hyperknot helped me fix the issue and it works now. But thanks for the tip.

I LOVE your map!

Thank you! Vive Jehanne!