Add a map legend?

Is there a way to add a map legend so map users can easily identify the meanings of the different colored map pins? For example, blue are free locations, red are paid locations? I tried using the image option but its not effective for this purpose.


Yes, I know a legend is a very much requested feature from many users. The only problem is that making a universal legend is quite tricky, but it’s on the list of our things to work on.

hi Zsolt,

Maybe users can create their own legend, as a picture banner.

You could add a link inside the map (show Legend / Hide Legend)
If Show legend is clicked, the uploaded banner is shown.
You can provide what dims / pixel (width / length) the banner should have and users can create the legend banner themselves.


Hi Nico,

A picture banner would be the simplest solution to implement. Definitely easier than a “Legend Editor” kind of widget. But maybe not every user knows how to make a picture. I’ll think about it, I like how simple it sounds.

I put the solution that I plan to use; the image appears / disappears by pressing the icon ‘’ i ‘’.
I put two images in case this is a problem: if the image (PNG) has transparencies, they look black.

Yes, that’s a nice design for a static image. Although I’d simply make it non-transparent always, to make sure the it always looks exactly how the user wanted.

how do I add a picture on top of the map like that? because I added one and it show just as an icon of a camara you have to click on it to be able to see the image. I want to be always display as I created a map legend

Hi Anacrr,

Yes, that’ll be exactly the functionality of the legend. At the moment it’s not possible, your best workaround would be to use a label, that would be always visible.


There is a big update, I’ve added Legend support. It uses the existing title and description fields but in a more polished way with better UI for view mode. The embed wizard also supports it, where it can be turned on and off. Blog post coming soon.


I’ve written a blog post about the legend / Info widget:

Hi there!
How you manage to add that picture to your map description?